Dr.Gladson Johnson, (Sports Physiotherapist), Founder- Attitude Prime.
Dear Sujay Sir,
Good Morning. I am sure you are doing well and safe in terms of the current pandemic situation. This mail has been pending to reach you since long and finally I sat down to pen my thoughts over this mail.
First of all thank you for from the bottom of my heart towards what you are doing to the education system through growing wonders. It has taught me and Sylvia so many things which we failed to learn otherwise. It has been such a pleasure to see our kids take shape in their personality over the last 8 years of their life. Time to time how their needs and wants of life change and with what precision they communicate to us and others , words can't contain. Education being just the information source to many in our society....I feel your system has taught them a way of life. I see them so confident in whatever the little they know and also confident to accept the fact on what they don't know also. We see them very expressive in sharing their feelings and also asking help. Their courtesy and empathy with which they carry their activities keeping the society in mind and the needy is flabbergasting. My Kids ask for toys which they want and are clear while buying that before these toys get spoiled we want to gift it to other children who don't have toys. The same attitude carries for their dress too. They make it a point to not hold on to these things and make it to circulate. This has made our house very light and not crowded or overloaded with anything. We only have things which is in usage. There is nothing kept idle in home. Makes us all feel mentally so nice i can't express.
During these lock down times they have learnt how to be home alone and still take care of themselves. How to handle phone calls to inform us of anything happening in our absence. Spend quality time on their own on the home works the school gives display an attitude of accountability to the teachers whenever they reached out to us. Sir ........ We are just thrilled. Your System teaches that Education and Life are not two different things. Life includes all. In this formative years I can understand the struggles you may be undergoing to nurture and sustain a system like this as this is still taking shape. I am sure parents like me who see the value of it would just not opt anywhere else if they want their children to make a difference to the future. We as a family are grateful to this system. We remember the school and the teachers everyday when we kneel down to pray. I know the mail is too long but please bear with me. These are lines from my heart. In one of the assignment given to Joanna and Jaden from the church to write down things that they are grateful about....I was surprised to see they write School, Teachers, Environment etc about the school which they are grateful to God.
All the above mentioned things myself and Sylvia have never done in our own student lives. Thats why we are able to see the value impact Valiants has had on our kids and our lives too. I will close with a real story.
Last summer we went to our village as our parents stay there. Both of them insisted I take them to a river to swim as they have only swam in pools in bangalore. I took them to one and told them there is water currents and they may drift you too. So don't panic just keep swimming to the banks and hold on to anything. Till then keep on swimming. Once they reached the river there were some village kids who saw these two english speaking kids and immediately took a pick on them. I wanted to step inbetween as i know village kids are just too tough as i grew up there. But they still kept cool and conversed with them. Those kids challenged Jaden and Joanna for a swim competition. These two readily agreed. To everyones surprise including mine ... my kids won every round. The village guys could not comprehend. They tried their best every time only to lose. I felt deep in my heart...yeah you guys gave it back. But then the story changed. Jade and Joanna conversed with them and told " You guys are swimming with head outside the water which is reducing the speed we are taught to swim with head inside the water and hence we are Fast" they taught the technique and then once again competed and both of them lost to the village guys as they picked the technique. Yet they came out of the water , thanking them congratulating them and the gang just left the place with a smile on everyones face including the village guys.
Thank you for patiently reading.
Touching Mankind,