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Teaching and Learning Assessment

Achieving Academic Goals in a Systemic Manner

Teaching Learning

Central Board of Secondary Education brought about major changes in the educational scenario in the academic year   2017-18. The landmark reforms encouraged profound learning in children by placing increased responsibility on part of schools to implement teaching learning processes in true spirit and with academic goals achieved in a systematic manner.  It is important to understand that this system was introduced to have an evaluation at the end of the year with a complete syllabus.  




The systematic planning of the instruction in our school includes both short term and long-term plans.  It is collaborative and also, we invested a lot time in planning.  For example.  The year plan is broadly divided into months and weeks with daily lesson plan, as it is digital lesson plans are prepared for each session with integration and also activity based.  After every chapter completion, we have planned work sheets as reinforcement of concepts.  A unit assessment tool is used either as pen paper, or any other method like small projects, quiz, questionnaire or a group activity which emphasizes participation and interaction at all levels. 


The plan thus prepared sets instructional goals or objectives very clearly, thinks of the understanding of the concept.  So, it is structured, with logical sequencing incorporating definitions, facts, ideas, theories as per the subject requirement and dissemination.  We use both formal and informal assessments where children enjoy the process of learning with fun. 


Teachers are directed to reflect after every session and analyse the efficacy of their teaching and also to check if they give enough opportunities to “think individually” and asked to “Observe” a lot while they are consolidating their learning rather than pour their minds with ready information. 


This method adopted by the teacher in our school has led children to experiential learning, to learn beyond what is there in the syllabus or the text book, hones their research skills, and encourages children to apply their knowledge for higher order thinking.

The class room or environment has lots of opportunities for children to discuss, communicate and it is certainly a lively enthusiastic learning space.


Teachers are being observed for their effective communication, modulation of voice and command over language.   Teachers do draw the children’s attention and they make a sincere attempt to make every class interesting with conversant best practices.  


The teachers are observed for :

  1.  Communication

  2. Content and methodology

  3. Classroom management

  4. Use of resources

  5. Integration of subjects

  6. Facilitation of participation and interaction of children

  7. Assessment - Continuous, varied and also quality with open ended questions, encourages critical thinking and creative thinking

  8.  Records of Assessment

  9. Feed back at children

  10. Learning Outcomes

  11. Innovative methods

  12. Reflection of the teacher.


We do have sessions where teachers reflect on teaching and come up with remediation measures wherever needed and modifications. 


We also use some instructional materials for some concepts that caters to different styles of learning.




The evaluation process is a combination of periodic tests and examinations in curricular plan includes various assessment strategies (viz. project work, journals, seminars, presentation, and collaborative work).  The curricular plan provides children with feedback on their understanding of key concepts and their applications.  It emphasizes on comprehension and allows introspection to facilitate effective learning.


The continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) was replaced with remodelled assessment.  Our school introduced the same with the guidelines of CBSE in Classes VI & VII.  


Our school has the same Assessments. The academic year in our calendar has two terms. The assessments are of varied types. The details of the system in Classes VI & VII


  1. Half yearly examinations – 80% - Syllabus covered at the end of one term

  2. Annual Examinations – 80% Complete syllabus from June to March

  3. Periodic Test – 20marks, Tests – 10 marks, Notebook submission – 5 marks, Subject Enrichment - 5 marks 

  4. Two periodic tests one in Term 1 and Term 2.

  5. Practical work, research work in Science, Project work, map work, Research work in Social Science, Interdisciplinary projects, exploratory project work in Mathematics, Laboratory Activities in Mathematics.

  6. The promotion and result announcement as per the CBSE recommendations stated in remodelled Assessment.

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