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Thank you for taking the step towards contributing to build a better place for all of us.

ARK – Act of Random Kindness, is the easiest way to make the world a better place. Valiants Academy has taken up this initiative to help remember the connectedness we all share and the responsibility we have towards the community and the world in which we live. Participate to experience the change in this lifetime.  Let us leave a better world for our children. These simple promises when persistently practiced over time will bring about a shift. Thank you for playing a role in this journey.


USING the sticker is a responsibility and a promise that needs to be remembered and practiced every day.

The Promises I make to the Community


  1. I shall be more CONSCIOUS and RESPONSIBLE while I HONK.

  2. I shall send a SILENT PRAYER to at least THREE people in a DAY

  3. I shall share this STICKER with at least THREE people and REQUEST them to SHARE it with THREE OTHERS #.


Kindly provide us with the following details to send the STICKERS*.


# On scanning the QR code at the reverse of the sticker the person who wants the sticker can place a request.
* Speed post charges will have to be borne by the addressee.


Full Name: *

Email: *

Phone: *

Address *


Thanks! Message sent.

The above information will not be used for any other purpose….

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